Volunteer Council
We are delighted to highlight the CCR Volunteer Council, a structure that has come together to accomplish the following:
and provide a voice in CCR initiatives
the use of CCR volunteers’ many strengths in non-mediator capacities
and serve as a pathway for communication between CCR and the volunteer body
a sense of community among CCR volunteers
To learn more about the Volunteer Council
and how you can get involved, please contact
Israel Putnam at volunteer@ccrchicago.org, or at 312-922-6464 x214
What is the Volunteer Council?
The Volunteer Council serves to enhance the volunteer experience while supporting CCR's mission, staff and community. Membership on the VC is not restricted to mediators—individuals who devote their time and energy to CCR in other ways are also eligible to serve, including the volunteers who work behind the scenes to assist staff, individuals who work with CCR as trainers and mentors, and others who provide valuable volunteer assistance and support.

How is the Volunteer Council structured?
The VC meets 10 times a year and does most of its work through three standing committees; ad-hoc committees may also be formed for specific projects and initiatives.
The Continuing Education Committee provides key support for continuing education for CCR mediators and trainers and helps plan enrichment events such as book club, talks and presentations on current ADR trends and professional development topics.
The Volunteer Community Committee works with CCR staff to enhance the CCR volunteer experience for both new and experienced volunteers and identify new non-mediation volunteer opportunities.
The Outreach Committee partners with CCR’s Auxiliary Board to identify and create new connections to CCR community partners, potential mediation clients, referral organizations and training clients.
How do I Join?
The VC can’t succeed without you! CCR’s lifeblood is the volunteer community that puts its strategy and programs in motion. This is a great chance for you to develop and hone your leadership skills; to share or develop your expertise by spearheading an initiative; to get to know CCR staff; or simply to make friends and meet more fellow volunteers. This is also an opportunity for you to use your skills in a non-mediator capacity, and in a manner that benefits fellow volunteers, CCR, and you.
Anyone is welcome to get involved with the Volunteer Council – you do not have to be a volunteer mediator to participate. If you are interested in joining the Volunteer Council, get in touch with Israel Putnam at volunteer@ccrchicago.org.

Current Members of the VC:
William Love, Chair
Sandra Chu
Colette Davion-Douglas
Howard Epstein
Ron Gieseke
Susanne Hollander
Veronica Johnson
Jack Kande
Cookie Levitz
David Louis
Jackie Lustig
Patricia Mace
Minnie Robinson
Elizabeth van der Weide
Tiffanie Wright